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Count. Center. Continue. (Baccalaureate Mass – International Migrant’s School)

Before our guest speaker for today speaks to you about being modeled through a resilient educational foundation, I'm sharing my reflecti...

Before our guest speaker for today speaks to you about being modeled through a resilient educational foundation, I'm sharing my reflection on how to be resilient when we are lost in faith or challenges in life shake our foundations. And, as instructed by our bishop of Rome, I will make my homily very short.
The first reading and the Gospel tell of a storm that Job, on the one hand, and the disciples of Christ, on the other, both experienced. God taught Job he was in command and control and could still the waves whenever he wanted. All that Job had to do was trust Him. On the other hand, terrified and even accusing the Lord of being irresponsible, negligent, and not caring that they were perishing, the disciples were pacified but questioned for their faith. Jesus showed them that he was in control. They really have to have faith in Him. In other words, God is telling us today that he is in control and that we should not worry too much. Don't panic. Be still. Concentrate on the right track. Don’t get nervous.

I was sent to Spain to finish my theological studies when I was young (I still look very young, though). And I struggled a lot because of the language. If it was already difficult to study God in English, what is more in a foreign language? Oral exams were my storm way back then, not to mention the terror professors we have had. But each time, I would say, Lord, if you are really calling me to be your priest, then do your part; help me overcome these storms. I trusted Him. Aside from being a Filipino, I am resilient to the many challenges in life, and I have my three "C" principles: Count on Christ, Center on Christ, and Carry on with Christ.

Our readings for today teach us, I believe, that for us to be truly resilient, we should know that God is leading everything and that we must trust in the Lord when trials or challenging moments come into our lives.

We offer this baccalaureate Mass to remember the many times the Lord has been with you, my dear students, not just this school year but for the whole time you have studied in this institution. We thank Him for the strength he gave you when you were struggling with your studies or grades. Likewise, we thank the Lord for the answered prayers of your parents or guardians, who I believe, though maybe not all, suffered and struggled to keep you here in school and give you a better future through a better education this school provides. We thank Him for the courage he gave the administration to continue their work despite many challenges in running this school.

Trust and faith in God are the basic foundation of our resiliency in life. No matter how strong the storm is, count on Jesus Christ, center yourself on Jesus Christ, and carry on your life with Jesus Christ, and everything will be all right. Don't let the difficulties in front of you distract you. Just trust and fix your eyes on Christ.

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