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When I went to Chipiona, a beach town in Cadiz, to spend some days during the summer vacation of August 2009, Jorge handed me one book to re...

When I went to Chipiona, a beach town in Cadiz, to spend some days during the summer vacation of August 2009, Jorge handed me one book to read while so that i wont get bored in the seashore while sitting under the sun. Their house happened to be the neighbor of house of Our Mother, the sanctuary of the Nuestra Señora del Regla. It had been a coincidence that the book was entitled “La Catedral del Mar” by Ildefonso Falcones and the sanctuary is just right near the sea shore. So everyday, as I spend my one hour meditation in the sanctuary, its as if the images of the novel comes alive. Well the imagination was towards the end of the meditation of course. Hehehehe. It’s as if everything was true and I was part of the whole story.

to be continued......

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