Top 5 Facts for this Name: 38% of the letters are vowels. Of one million first and last names we looked at, 38.4% have a higher vowel make-...

38% of the letters are vowels. Of one million first and last names we looked at, 38.4% have a higher vowel make-up. This means you are well envoweled.
In ASCII binary it is... 01001010 01101111 01101000 01101110 00100000 01001100 01110101 01101001 01110011
Backwards, it is Nhoj Siul... nice ring to it, huh?
In Pig Latin, it is Ohnjay Uislay.
People with this first name are probably: Male. So, there's a 98% likelihood you sweat just thinking of the price of shaver blades.
Name Origin and Meaning:
Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: God is Gracious
3 Things You Didn't Know:
Your personal power animal is the Humpback Whale
Your 'Numerology' number is 9. If it wasn't bulls**t, it would mean that you are multi-talented, compassionate, and impartial. A humanitarian, you seek opportunities to help others.
According to the US Census Bureau°, 3.283% of US residents have the first name 'John' and 0.0028% have the surname 'Luis'. The US has around 300 million residents, so we guesstimate there are 276 Americans who go by the name 'John Luis'.
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