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11th of February

11th of February is a very memorable day... ... Because the whole world is celebrating the World Day of the Sick. ... Because the Church...

11th of February is a very memorable day...

... Because the whole world is celebrating the World Day of the Sick.

... Because the Church celebrates the feast of the Our Lady of  Lourdes, a sign of hope and miracle for those who are sick...

... Because the present renewed constitutions of the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, also known as Claretians, was approved by the Holy See in 1982.

... Because seven years ago, a young lady whom I admired for twelve long years, told me those precious words "I LOVE YOU".

But some years after that, she had to tell me again "I LOVE YOU" but this time so that I could be able to live and be able to protect this constitutions that had been approved on the 11th of February in 1982;

So that I may be able to attend to the sick, the needy, the poor, the marginalized, those who are losing hope. And she kept back to her heart all the pain so that others may have life and that God's will may be done just like what Mary did. 

Thank you and my love shall remain forever with you too! And when all is done, your name shall also be remembered and known throughout the world forever for that I LOVE YOU that you have well said and well done.

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